
Oh, you actually clicked on this. Well then, I guess I should provide some info. It’s times like these that I am reminded how lucky I am to have a wonderful wife, because I always hated filling out dating profiles.

I’m a lifelong Pacific Northwest resident with a strong interest in sports, the outdoors and history. I try to live life by the Golden Rule and look for small ways to improve the life of strangers each day. We currently care for 4 dogs, 4 chickens, one cat and one small human. The small human is an absolute joy, my opinion on the others varies from day to day. I try to get out into nature whenever time will allow and sometimes find it is necessary to make the time. The peace and solitude, combined with natures’ ability to humble you with its enormity, is refreshing and centering.

I’m a hard worker. I’ve worked some form of a consistent job since I was 12 years of age. I began bussing tables in a restaurant at age 16 and fell in love with the industry. The camaraderie, diversity of people, fast pace and delicious food was hard to resist. I spent some time doing contracting work over the years but restaurants were where I always found myself gravitating back towards, even after finishing college. I quickly moved up from busser to server to bartender. By the time I was 25, I was managing my first restaurant

When things go wrong or there is a challenge presented, I enjoy having people look to me for answers or leadership.

When things go wrong or there is a challenge presented, I enjoy having people look to me for answers or leadership. I love building and managing a team of employees. When I wasn’t managing, I was bartending and relishing the opportunity to responsibly provide a good time for so many. I’ve met so many interesting people that I worked with and served. I have tasted countless delicious dishes and beverages. My shifts provided me with enough wild stories and experiences to fill at least one novel. I loved every minute of restaurant work and will love it still if my path leads me back there.

The restaurant industry is a difficult world to raise a family in. The hours are long and irregular. The pay can be inconsistent when based on tips and with the busiest hours being on the weekends, missing family functions is often normal. With our goal being to live in a more remote area that allows us to grow and raise a good amount of our own food, we realized that working in the restaurant industry may not allow us to reach our goals. It was time to come up with a new plan and to try and find the courage to follow it.